Tuesday, my darling husband was sweet enough to accompany me on "YarnQuest: Rhode Island" - wherein we hit 4 yarn stores in the greater Providence area in about two hours. Well, alright, technically it was only three stores because we couldn't find the fourth. We found where it was supposed to be, and saw the sign for it in front of the shopping center, but we circled and circled and it was just not there. Still, I know I just lauded B a mere week or so ago for being awesome and patient and supportive of my obsession, but... props to him once more. I hope you knitters out in KnitBlogLand have good supportive significant others like I do.
Anyhow, between the trip and the KnitPicks order that arrived the following day, I have lots to keep me busy.

The haul.
Let's see, there's a bunch of manly colored sock yarn, several balls of lavender KnitPicks 100% wool, 2 skeins of Kureyon, a ball of Berroco Pure Merino in black (not pictured: ditto that in red - by the time I got my camera out, it was already being worked into the Ferrari scarf, since, as you remember, that was too short), and assorted needles and blocking pins.
I didn't find "the yarn" for my Central Park hoodie, but I guess I have enough projects to keep myself occupied until the right stuff comes along. The Ferrari scarf is done (again), and one of these days I'll make a matching hat.
Then there's this beast, which may never be done...

And because, as good as my intentions may be, I just can't seem to focus on one project at a time, there's this:
Artsy shot only, since this is still top-secret.

AND, as if that's not enough, I can't stop thinking about my plans for my bag, even though I know I can't make that much progress on it until we move at the end of the month and I get my sewing machine back. But I'm really looking forward to it. I mean, look at this yarn combo.
Actually, the picture doesn't really do justice to the colors together, so you'll have to trust that it's awesome. Also, there you can kind of see the results of my polymer clay experimentations. There are a few other bits and pieces too, I haven't decided yet what I'm using.
I couldn't resist a bit of swatching.

Those swatches would make any fiber lover drool. Those yarns knit up quite nicely.
I agree - beautiful swatches! And as a resident of the Providence area, I'm curious - what stores did you go to/try to go to?
Thanks ladies! Swatches for bags are especially great because they can easily be transformed into pockets later.
Jen - I went to Bella in Warren (on the way to Providence from Newport) - great store. Then A Stitch Above in Providence, which was unlike any other yarn store I've ever been to... Lots of non-yarn product. Then Lace Wings in Pawtucket, where I didn't find anything I had to have. The one we couldn't actually locate was the Yarn Gazebo in Smithfield. Is there a trick or did we just miss it?
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